
Monday, August 4, 2008

5 Hot Mistakes that will cost you your Adsense Account

I know you are using Google Adsense in your blog or website. And while you try to become a master doing business online and optimizing your content, there are many details you can’t avoid to see. Be cautious, because probably you’re walking on a wire doing some mistakes that could spoil all what you have built and the many hours you have spent writing, designing, optimizing, promoting and learning. Whether you are trying in your blog or website with Google Adsense you will notice that Google has some rules very well defined in order every user keep in mind which are the things that can and cannot do.

The terms of service (TOS) that Google Adsense uses, are strictly designed in order to control the activity of every participant and guarantee the honesty for publishers and advertisers. Which are those mistakes that could cost me the cancellation of my Google Adsense account?

1. Don’t’ launch pages for clicked Google Ads as default: This is a fatal violation because Google Adsense TOS establishes that the Adsense Ads should open on the same page and never use other pages. Furthermore I have seen bloggers doing this in café internet and public internet centers. Try to use honest and clean strategies to obtain revenues. All is possible doing smart decisions and working the sufficient to get what you want.

2. Don’t make fraudulent clicks: Google has all the high-end technology to detect which clicks are fraudulent and which not. Never do that. You should be honest and try to help advertisers to receive the benefits have produced. Doing so, you are exposing to be banned from Google. Some people also pay to others to make comments and fraudulent clicks.

3. Never use your e-mail account to send your ads: Currently it is another practice very used. I know is very easy and probably doing so you maybe receive some traffic, but this is a violation to the Term of Services of Google Adsense.

4. Using camouflages elements you will be out: some people try to mask some ad elements in order to get more clicks. You should be care altering the colors and the borders of the Google Ads. Overlapping images and blocking the visibility of ads is not allowed in the Google TOS.

5. Google ads just let you use up to 3 Ads units: Don’t use more than 3 ads units. The Google Adsense technology is now operating in order bloggers adding more than 3 ads units can’t see these exta-ads. Don’t waste your time doing so. In fact, this is limit they set and these ads will never appear.


Anonymous said...

Hey! good information.